01. tbl 92. árg. 2006


Pseudoterranova decipiens (Nematoda, Anisakidae) larvae reported from humans in Iceland after consumption of insufficiently cooked fish

Hringormar berast í fólk á Íslandi við neyslu á lítið elduðum fiski

Læknablaðið 2006; 92: 21-5

Recently, two human cases of Pseudoterranova decipiens nematode larvae were confirmed in Iceland. In each case a larva was found in the throat five and six days after the consumption of insufficiently cooked filets of the common catfish Anarhicas lupus that were bought fresh in a fish store. In both cases the larva had already developed from 3rd to the 4th stage during the time of infection. In the former case a young male woke up in the morning as he noticed a larva crawling around in his throat. In the latter case a young woman coughed up the larva after intense itching in her throat. Anisakid larva of Pseudoterranova decipiens and Anisakis simplex are common in fish around Iceland. Both are known as human pathogens but usually Anisakis simplex causes more severe symptoms and is more commonly found in human cases than Pseudoterranova decipiens. Traditional cooking of fish in Iceland by boiling or thorough frying before consumption is believed to prevent human anisakidosis in Iceland. However, increased consumption of fresh or poorly heated fish and fish products might result in increased anisakidosis cases in Iceland.

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